Feb 21, 2011

Two Going on Twelve

As Lily is growing up, we've been giving her the chance to make her own choices: chicken or hot dogs, crib or big-girl-bed (or neither),

pants or skirt (or both).

Lily has been taking her role as a "big girl" to heart. She is helpful with James. The other day as I was making lunch, James started to cry and before I could even react, Lily put her hand up and said "No I do it!"

She walked over, said "S'ok James *shhhh*" and put his plug in his mouth while she pat his head.

While waiting in line at the store, she dances and twirls to make him laugh.

I think we need to take her to the zoo more often, since she thinks giraffes say "RAWR", elephants say "a-choo" and roosters say "bawk-bawk-toodleloo"!

I want her to slow down and stop being such a little grown up; at the library last week, she wasn't dancing during toddler time, so I held her arms and made her move (marionette-like) to the song.

She looked up at me with serious eyes and said "Mama, stop it".

Hold up, shouldn't she wait until she's twelve to be embarrassed of me in public?

Sidenote: Yes, I am aware most of these pictures don't match what I'm describing, but they were the closest I could find :) Guess I need to carry my camera around in my back pocket all day and night too!

Growing Up Too Fast

James had been pretty fussy all day yesterday, and by bedtime I didn't know what to do with him! Mike discovered our problem - a new tooth! James is almost 9 month old, so I understand it's normal for him to have a tooth now; I am not prepared for my little boy to be so big :( I'm already forgetting the sweet, little, baby things that he did months ago.
I don't want to forget his baby love-handles.

I don't want to forget the way he stuffs both fists in his mouth when he's really happy.

I don't want to forget the way his eyes roll back in utter contentment when he's nursing.

I don't want to forget the sound of his soft giggle before he falls asleep.
I don't want to forget the way he gasps *surprised* when air blows in his face or water sprays on his back in the shower.

I don't want to forget the cute way he coughs when he's trying to pooh.

I think I'm going to enjoy reviewing my life after I die, so I can see and remember all of these little things that I'm going to miss.

Feb 18, 2011

Who Needs Sleep?

Mike was out of town this week for work. While he's gone I have great expectations and goals: I'll get to sleep by 8, I'll clean the bathrooms, I'll take naps, I'll sew every day, and so forth. Reality is far different: I fall asleep around 2 or 3 am, I eat out every night, I watch a lot of Netflix, and frantically clean the house when Mike texts me to tell me his plane has landed in Houston. At least he's coming home to clean toilets, floors, and dishes, right? This week, however, I actually accomplished a few things! I made Lily and James "shaky eggs", I jig-sawed the legs off a table so it'll fit Lily's needs, I visited 6 different stores to find Lily inexpensive sandals, I INVENTED my FIRST pattern and (mostly) sewed it together, I spent every single afternoon at the park with the littles, and I watched 13 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Season 6 :)

James is now 8 1/2 months, not rolling, not crawling, and not caring. I must make some pretty contented babies, because neither of them care all that much about getting around. I know James *can* roll (at least in his crib when no one is around), he just chooses not to, I guess. Oh well, easier for me that way!

Lily is 2 & 1/4 (every little bit counts, right?!) and is my favorite little person! She loves to "read" books, share, sing and dance and hide-n-seek, and she will go shopping with me any time! She's also a very good wing-man: she stops me from impulse buying toys/books/clothes. I frequently ask her "Don't you want this *fill in the blank*?" and she usually says "No thank you". Can't argue with that!

Feb 6, 2011

Why I Love My Husband

Woowoo! Kidding, I'm going to keep this post clean ;)

<3 He makes sure to keep the kids quiet after nap-time so I can keep sleeping

<3 He forgives me my weaknesses (like when I make cookies even though he can't eat any because he's on a diet)

<3 He's so funny and is always making me laugh

<3 He doesn't care too much that I'm crazy

Why I Love My Eight Month Old

<3 His face lights up every time I walk into the room

<3 He laughs every time Lily dances for him

<3 He loves to be snuggled and kissed and loved on

 <3 His eyes are so full of wonder and possibility and hope

Why I Love My Two Year Old

<3 She loves to dance silly dances for James, just to make him giggle

<3 In the morning when I get her from bed, her first words are "You look pretty Mommy"

<3 She tries so hard to be a big girl, from putting away her dirty dishes to helping soothe James when he's upset

<3 She loves to share. If she's eating something, she won't rest until James, Mama AND Daddy all try some